
The significance of Memorial Day - Remember and Honor. Decorated cemeteries to honor the fallen on service men and women.

The Significance of “Memorial Day” 

The Significance of “Memorial Day”  The Significance of Memorial Day is to honor and mourn the US military personnel who died in service. Memorial Day is a federal Holiday in the United States. It has …

The significance of Cultural Diversity expressed by different color of hands united for a common purpose from people with different beliefs, religions, traditions, and ways of living.

The Significance of “Cultural Diversity” 

The Significance of “Cultural Diversity”  The significance of Cultural Diversity is the quality of people with different beliefs, religions, traditions, and ways of living to coexist in peace in workplaces, institutions, and …

The significance of The Gate City - The map of Greensboro, NC, dated 1891

The Significance of “The Gate City” 

The Significance of “The Gate City”  The significance of “The Gate City,” Greensboro, NC’s nickname, as we lovingly call it, goes back to 1890.  Back then, Greensboro became a railroad transportation center and a …

Happy Nurses Week - Celebrating the significance of National Nurses Week

The Significance of “National Nurses Week”

The Significance of “National Nurses Week” The significance of National Nurses Week is to recognize and honor nurses for their selfless commitment to providing care for others and improving patients’ health across the …