The white gloved hand of a uniformed doorman / chauffeur opening / closing a black car door when you Unleash Your Unique Dream Tour Today

Unleash Your Unique Dream Tour Today

Your Unique Dream Tour is ideal for:  

  • YOURSELF to Unleash Your Unique Dream Tour – YOU ARE WORTH IT!
  • Offering “The Perfect Unique Gift”
  • Special Events
  • Unique Company’s C-Level Experiences
  • Realtor Businesses (to attract clients to choose Greensboro)
  • Fundraising Events  
  • Pre or Post Wedding Event
  • Pre or Post Company Special Events

This unique tour experience shows you the beauty of Greensboro from a completely different angle, hits “hidden places,” and gives you new knowledge that pleasantly surprises you.

This tour will be created with YOUR wishes and desires in mind.

Think of it as THE ULTIMATE TREATMENT with lots of surprises and awe moments sprinkled in.

Do you know the definition of “Luxury” as provided by Merriam-Webster?  

Luxury is something adding to pleasure or comfort but not necessary, an indulgence in something that provides pleasure, satisfaction, or ease.

We can go as extravagant as you’d like and as simple and elegant as you are comfortable with.

Things that might come to your mind are:

  • Limousine pick up at your house or business to take you on a tour.
  • The tour is open to the surrounding areas with exciting and sometimes hidden local secrets.
  • A limousine stocked with your favorite surprises and gifts.
  • Event locations with catering set up
  • Make a reservation at the perfect restaurant choice for the occasion.
  • Personalized swag

This tour is an on-demand customized experience.

Also, each tour can be provided in English or German language.

The Price – TBD

Your attendance at Travel Like a Local LLC events expresses your consent to be photographed and/or featured in a video.

Photographs and videos taken at Travel Like a Local LLC events may be used for marketing purposes by Travel Like a Local LLC or our members.