The Significance of “A Modern Greensboro”
The Significance of “A Modern Greensboro” in constructing a “New Greensboro” is nothing that is only being done now.
In the early years, visionaries and dreamers already wanted to make something bigger and better throughout the city.
And it takes great minds and leaders to foresee the future of a vibrant and booming city at any time.
But some of those “dreams and visions” for a great Greensboro, NC, can be explored this week in our newsletter.
Also, see Marion’s authentic perspective on the significance of “A Modern Greensboro” and this week’s news from art, foodie, architecture, history, and fun weekend.
Monday: Art News Today

Visitors and locals alike might wonder about the many “Jeans-Statues” they encounter while walking all over the city.
Those painted fiberglass Jeans are part of an art project that Wrangler and Cone Mills initiated to commemorate the rich history of denim and the textile industry of their hometown, Greensboro, NC.
The project “Jeansboro” was launched in 2015, and Guilford County high school students were invited to design various jean sculptures.
But after the project ended, 6 painted jeans artwork were displayed throughout downtown Greensboro, NC.
Since then, those sculptures have multiplied, and it is always fun “exploring” them on your stroll through the city.
Fun Fact: Air travelers who fly into Greensboro airport will be “greeted” by four of these artworks.
Tuesday: Foodie News Today
Blue Denim

Have I already mentioned that our city of Greensboro, NC, is rich in various cuisines?
During a short stretch on Elm Street in downtown Greensboro, you will run into several ethnic restaurants.
The restaurant that caught my attention this week was Blue Denim, the “Southern – Cajun – Creole” Restaurant at 217 South Elm Street.
This establishment brings the spicy Cajun–Creole cuisine from Louisiana to North Carolina.
The names of the dishes and cocktails might remind you of New Orleans and the fun times that are associated with it.
But don’t be fooled.
These meals are great for “Greensborians” and visitors alike.
But if you are not sure if you can eat spicy food, ask the professional and fun service members for a recommendation. I bet you can’t get it wrong.
Almost all restaurants downtown are locally owned and operated.
Wednesday: Architectural News Today
Blandwood Mansion

The Blandwood Mansion in Greensboro, NC, was built in 1795, exactly 229 years ago. It is one of the oldest, still-existing houses in Greensboro.
It was initially constructed as a two-story, four-room frame farmhouse. Its builder and first occupant farmed around the house on about 100 acres.
Even though this building is now in the middle of the city, 229 years ago, it was a rural area.
After changing ownership a few more times, the real fame of the house started when two-term North Carolina Governor John Motley Morehead lived here. (1827 – 1866)
The Blandwood Mansion had 2 building additions.
In 1822, the frame farmhouse was expanded to six rooms and continued in the style of the Federal architecture period from its original house.
The second and more extensive change was made in 1844 by a New York City architect, Alexander Jackson Davis. This addition more than doubled the square footage of the building within a “Tuscan Villa-style” wing.
The Blandwood Mansion is believed to be the oldest example of its kind in the United States.
In 1988, Blandwood Mansion was designated as a “National Historic Landmark” by the United States government.
Today, Preservation Greensboro Incorporated owns the house and garden. The house is a museum that hosts various events and functions.
Thursday: History facts
John Motley Morehead

As I was reading about the Blandwood Mansion on Wednesday’s Architectural News Today, I noticed that there is so much to explore about the history of Mr. John Motley Morehead, who once lived in this villa.
Mr. Morehead was a two-term North Carolina Governor (1841 – 1845) and became known as the “Father of Modern North Carolina”.
He supported the new public school system, constructing canals and turnpikes and extending the railroad lines during his tenure.
Morehead’s big dream was to build a “School for the Blind.” His dream came true when The Governor Morehead School was established in 1845.
His school was only the eighth school for blind students in the USA.
The school and a small coastal town in North Carolina, Morehead City, would ultimately be named in his honor.
Friday: Weekend News
Star Wars Time

Another informative and fact-filled week comes to an end.
But what would be our “Fun Weekend News” without some ideas and tips for the upcoming weekend in Greensboro, NC?
Steven Tanger Center and the Greensboro Symphony Orchestra invite you to “Engage” in “The Music of Star Wars.”
Also, the City of Greensboro, NC, and Greensboro Downtown Parks invite you to many free events as the weather gets warmer and the days are getting longer.
Conclusion of the second week of April
With warmer weather and more and more activities offered by the city of Greensboro, why don’t you go out and “search” for all those Jeans sculptures and send me your picture with them?
If you want to learn more about our great city of Greensboro, NC, subscribe to our newsletter and read the previous ones for more tips and fascinating subjects.
Contact me to book our guided walking tours quickly:
Watch for the dates and join me in the most attractive for you.
You can join me on one of my tours, at a restaurant, or outside in the parks.
Drop me a line if you’d like to meet up at marion@travellikealocalwithmarion.com.
Your Tour Guide with Heart