“Where We Meet” Stories
“Where We Met” by Janet Echelman – this aerial sculpture is one of the many exciting and plentiful art pieces we will encounter at our art walking tour throughout Greensboro, NC.
This was the right place to start our unique tour through Greensboro, NC.
Every time something extraordinary happens to me, I remember the exact time, the day, and most likely what I wore that day – yeah – I’m a little bit of a fashion freak. (Clothes horse).
But most of all, I remember “where we met” the first time.
My “Where We Meet” Stories
My longtime bestie was already sitting in the classroom when I walked in and asked if the seat next to her was still empty. She laughed and said yes – and we have been friends ever since. And this has been quite a while back.
My husband and I met at a restaurant after we both rolled up in a sports car and enjoyed discovering our European heritage.
I met one of my best friends at my workplace. It turns out that we became such close friends that I was her matron of honor.
At a function that I organized for women from other countries to make their beginnings a little easier as they met with like-minded women and learned about other cultures and where to find what we need while abroad and away from our families was the place where yet another girlfriend was found.
My take on this is that the place where one meets someone who changes one’s life is very significant.
It can be a romantic place, convenient, or somewhere in between. All of this is in the eye of the beholder and precious to the person.
Connection and Belonging
Connection and belonging are two powerful emotions for every human being.
But these art walking tours through Greensboro, NC, should give every guest the feeling of those two emotions.
Starting with the time to connect and getting to know the other people on this tour gives everyone a better sense of belonging and connection.
The picnic prepared for this is absolutely the right start, and the location is the right place.
Where did you meet the people who changed your life and brought excitement, fun, love, or all of those into your life?
Let me hear from you and tell me your “where we met” stories.
Either through the blog site – but the better version is to meet me under “Where We Met” and take a tour through Greensboro, NC.
I look forward to seeing you soon.
With a joyful and open heart,
Marion – Your Tour Guide