The Significance of Living in Greensboro, NC, and Guilford County
The significance of living in Greensboro, NC, and Guilford County is manifold.
First and foremost, this is a great town to live in and raise a family. It is big enough to provide “big city amenities” but small enough to feel familiar.
People run into each other on various occasions and see each other because the city is not that big.
Another significant factor is that the town has a lot of green zones, including inner-city parks like LeBauer Park and Center City Park, and bigger parks on the outskirts like Country Park and Guilford Courthouse National Military Park.
At the Greensboro Arboretum, there is so much to explore and discover, which makes it the perfect place to find tranquility and peace.
Maybe not the past weekend when the Summer Solstice Festival took place there. Check the Friday: Fun Weekend News from last week to see why.
Also, when people want to spend time outside in the summer, there is nothing better than some cold water to enjoy.
They can get cooled off downtown at the LeBauer Park Sprayground and splash pads. This is a big hit, especially with the little ones. And it is fun to watch them being fascinated by the water fountains.
But if you are up for more water fun, you must explore Wet’n Wild Emerald Pointe Water Park.
The park also offers more kid-friendly activities, such as art in the park, crafts and activities, dance, and many more during the summer.
And if you only want to hang out alone or with friends over a good meal, plenty of alfresco restaurants are available now in Greensboro and Guilford County.
Do you still have doubts about the significance of living in Greensboro?
Keep on reading!
Monday: Art News Today
Motion Cornerstone

I absolutely love Mondays when I can share another fascinating art piece you can see in Greensboro, NC.
This week, I’m opting for another great piece quite visible in our town. However, you might not know what this is about and why it is right there.
I’m talking about one of the “cornerstone” art pieces on the Greensboro Downtown Greenway.
It is called “Motion,” and the main artist, Brower Hatcher from Providence, RI, collaborated with Greensboro artist Frank Russell on this piece.
The structure is made of stainless steel. But its color-coated parts give the appearance of an ever-changing feeling.
Also, it looks and feels differently, depending on the weather or the time of the day.
The structure also includes seating, allowing the viewer to look up and see even more amazing things within the sculpture.
Brower Hatcher uses nature and natural systems as a basis for his art. In this piece, he embedded artifacts, glass, ceramics, and metal, that have a meaning or are history-related to this city. He also used LED lights, making the art piece look different at night.
Frank Russell is well known in the Greensboro art scene. He conducts workshops in various schools, introducing students to his fanciful sculptures and the concept of reusing discarded materials in a new way.
The sculpture was installed in 2012 and is one of the 4 cornerstones along the Greensboro Downtown Greenway.
Tuesday: Foodie News Today
Parkside Pull-up

It is outside where we need to be at this time of the year!
And when we are running around, either after our children, for fun, or just strolling along, we might get hungry for a little something.
You may also want to sit outside and enjoy the beautiful view of LeBauer Park.
Then go no further.
This is why Kris Fuller put her “old fashioned” Parkside Pull-up right next to the park.
You can swing by there after or before the kids go to the splash park or the Miriam P. Brenner Children’s Museum.
At Parkside Pull-up, they serve hot dogs, smush burgers, and milkshakes the old-fashioned way, and no matter what you order, you won’t be disappointed.
You can sit at one of the tables or bring your picnic blanket and sit on the grass in the park. When doing this, you might feel like you are on a week of vacation.
I ran into Kris one day and asked her to stand right next to the entrance to her place.
Here she is.
Wednesday: Architectural News Today
Blandwood Carriage House

The Blandwood Mansion main house is a museum today. Our April newsletter has more about it.
However, the octagonal Blandwood Carriage House has its own purpose today.
The original building was most likely built sometime between 1855 and 1866. The time frame is determined by the material used and also the fact that the architectural style of octagonal buildings was one of the fads of the mid-nineteenth century.
Promoters of this style assured us that buildings erected in this style would be cheaper and more efficient.
With the renovation of the Blandwood Mansion in the 1960s, the original Carriage House was razed, and only the original cupola was carefully removed for preservation.
The new Carriage House was rebuilt in partnership between the Junior League of Greensboro and the skillful Greensboro architect Ed Loewenstein. It includes a warming kitchen, meeting space, and lavatories.
The original cupola was restored and crowns the new Carriage House since its reopening in 1970.
Thursday: History Facts Today
Center of Guilford County, NC

Have you ever thought about where is the center of Guilford County?
This county stretches from the north to the south and from east to west. And it has been around for over 200 years.
It is also home to about 550.000 people and has a vibrant economic footprint.
So where is the center of our county?
Guilford County was founded in 1771 after the migrant population increased.
Quaker settlers from Pennsylvania, Maryland, and New England, as well as German Reformed and Lutherans, among others, discovered this stretch as their new home.
This county was named for Francis North, Earl of Guilford, father of Frederick North, Lord North, and British Prime Minister from 1770 to 1782.
The original inhabitants were Siouan-speaking people called the Cheraw.
Greensboro and High Point are the two major cities in this county.
Other smaller communities in the county include Jamestown, Stokesdale, Summerfield, Whitsett, and parts of Archdale and Gibsonville.
But now you will ask again:
Ok, Marion. Where is the Center of Guilford County?
There is a lovely marker in the middle of the Fisher Park community in downtown Greensboro, The Genesis Monument, marking the geographical center of this county.
What if you take the time, stroll around, and find it?
I would love to see the picture you took there.
Friday: Fun Weekend News
City Sunsets Concerts

Another weekend is upon us, and with the hotter weather, we are trying to stay cool inside during the day.
But we don’t want to miss all the great events going on in the great city of Greensboro, either.
So, what can you do?
Visit the City Sunsets Concerts Series every Saturday (June 8 – August 31) at the Center City Park Oval Lawn and listen to great music and entertainment.
You can bring your picnic blanket, lawn chair, or even your dancing shoes and enjoy the warm summer on all Saturday nights.
These events are free, so you don’t need to have a ticket.
Just show up and have fun!
I will see you there – and enjoy the cooler summer evenings with you.
Conclusion of the fourth week of June 2024
Great weather!
School is out, people are outside, and there is so much to do in this great city of Greensboro, NC, and in Guilford County.
I hope reading all this news will help you to better understand the “Significance of living in Greensboro, NC, and Guilford County.”
If you want to learn more about our great city of Greensboro, NC, subscribe to our newsletter and read the previous ones for more tips and fascinating subjects.
Contact me to book your guided walking tours quickly:
Watch for the dates and join me in the most attractive for you.
You can join me on one of my tours, at a restaurant, or outside in the parks.
Drop me a line if you’d like to meet up at marion@travellikealocalwithmarion.com.
Your Tour Guide with Heart